Rajasthan BSTC Admit Card 2021 Name Wise Download: The Department of Elementary Education, Rajasthan has announced the Pre D.El.Ed Examination date as 31st August. All the applicants who applied for the DELED exam in Rajasthan can get ready to download the exam call letters as the exam date is nearing. The Rajasthan elementary education board is anticipated to release the exam call letters today. Hence check the Rajasthan BSTC official portal, predeled.com to download the exam call letters. Every one of the competitors must carry the hall tickets while going to the examination. After checking the admit card only, the competitors will be allowed to attend the test. Hence download the admit cards as soon as the download link appears on the Rajasthan PRE-DELED website. After downloading, take a printout and preserve it safely to carry to the examination. The invigilators will do the admit card verification before allowing the candidates to proceed with the test. Hence, recheck twice whether you are carrying the hall ticket or not. More details like Rajasthan BSTC Admit Card downloading process, availability date, and exam instructions were mentioned in the following article.
BSTC Admit Card 2021 – Rajasthan Pre Deled Hall Ticket Name Wise

The Department of Elementary Education, Rajasthan organizes the Rajasthan Basic School Training Certificate (BSTC) examination every year for students seeking admission into Diploma in Elementary Education courses. Candidates need to clear this examination with a good score to get admission to various colleges. The duration of the course is 2 years. Candidates who have gone through this course are eligible to work as elementary school teachers in Rajasthan.
Rajasthan BSTC Admit Card 2021 – Important Details
Department Name | Department of Elementary Education, Rajasthan |
Examination Name | Basic School Teaching Certificate 2021 |
Date of Exam | 31st August 2021 |
State | Rajasthan |
Courses Name | General & Sanskrit |
Category | Admit Card |
Status | Released!! |
Official Website | predeled.com |
Download Rajasthan BSTC Admit Card 2021 @ predeled.com
All the competitors who are going to attend the Rajasthan BSTC examination on 31st August can get ready with the admit cards. The hall tickets will be available to download on Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed portal, predeled.com. Competitors can download the exam call letters by clicking on the admit card download link on the homepage. After downloading the Rajathan Pre D.El.Ed admit card 2021, check the following details from it.
- Full Name of the Candidate
- Roll Number
- Name of the Course
- Examination Date and Day
- Timings of the HPBOSE JBT Entrance Examination
- Details of the Examination Venue
- Important Guidelines for the Examination
Clearly check all the details from the hall ticket once after downloading it. Hopefuls competing for the Rajasthan BSTC examination will have to attend the test along with the admit cards. Also, candidates need to carry any valid identity proof copies along with the hall ticket. The identity proof that the competitors can carry is,
- Aadhar Card
- PAN Card
- Passport
- Driving Licence
- Ration Card
- Or any others.
Contenders must report at the examination centers before 30 minutes of the examination. Candidates must carry the hall ticket, and identity card without fail. Candidates who are not aware of the Rajasthan DELED Admit Card downloading process can go through the following steps.
Rajasthan Pre-D.El.Ed/BSTC Admit Card 2021 – Available Here
Steps to download Rajasthan BSTC hall ticket 2021
- Go to Rajasthan Pre-D.El.Ed website, predeled.com or directly click on the hall ticket download link provided below.
- On the homepage, you can find the Rajasthan BSTC Admit Card 2021 download link.
- Click on the link and enter the login credentials.
- Tap on the submit button.
- The admit card gets downloaded.
- Take a printout of it and keep it safe; carry the admit card and identity proof while going to the examination.
The Department of Elementary Education, Rajasthan has announced the Pre D.El.Ed Examination date as 31st August.
The hall tickets will be available to download on Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed portal, predeled.com.